Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Christian Speculation about the End of Times - 1807 Words
Religions do not only relate to the past but also to the future: beliefs about resurrection or further rebirths, hopes of a better future, or even fears of apocalyptic tribulations. In this essay, various religious ‘futures’ will be investigated: the evolution towards spiritual individualism and consumerism, the success of yoga and the Christian speculations about the end of times. It will be easily demonstrated that each of these ‘futures’ is highly controversial – but are they controversial primarily because of the way in which they reinterpret the past? The essay will argue that the reinterpretation of the past should better seen as a legitimating force rather than the primary cause of the controversy. Sociologist Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) described religion as ‘a unified system of beliefs and practices (†¦) which unite into one single moral community called a Church’: for him, ‘the idea of religion is inseparable from that of the Church’ (Durkheim cited in Harvey, 2013, p. 8). This definition fits well with established religion in the past – a strong cohesive force within society, bounding its members together, most often centralised and institutionalised (as the Roman Catholic Church). By contrast, in our modern society, individual choices tend to be prevalent in religious matters, allowing people to freely shift their religious affiliation or even build up their own spirituality – a trend sometimes labelled ‘the privatisation of religion’. People are increasinglyShow MoreRelatedChristian Allegory in Beowulf1027 Words  | 4 Pagesback into a time long past; one of family, fate, and fealty. Beowulf offers a glimpse of a society struggling between two different paths, one path being the assimilation into the new Christian traditions and the other is the fast fading past of glorified warriors and family ties. In the poem, the reader can see the attempts of the poet to convey the values and stories of Judeo-Christianity in a society of Anglo-Saxon paganism. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Top Choices of Factual Essay Samples
Top Choices of Factual Essay Samples A good way to perk up your article is to take a look at the headlines in newspapers. These guidelines will help you in planning how to compose a reaction paper to a documentary. Cross reference all your resources and make sure that each bit of information which you're likely to contain in your articles is factual. List down the questions which you're likely to ask and make sure they'll help you squeeze out the type of information which will be appreciated by your readers. For instance, if you wish to inform your readers that article writing is the ideal traffic-generating tool, you can go right ahead and write your articles. After presenting the major information regarding the guide, the author must stick to the pyramid format, where information is presented from the most important down to the least, so the readers will secure the most important area of the news straight away. On the finished part, you may also compare the documentary with others in the very same genre or subject in order to earn readers have better comprehension of the review. Factual writing explains a succession of events in a chronological, unbiased way that enables readers to put on information which is not influenced by the personal opinions of the author or publisher. Other forms of factual writing, called feature stories, describe a collection of related events over a predetermined time period from the view of numerous men and women, places and things that are involved wi th the continuing event, like a political campaign. The 2 movies were two contradictory images of the way the sea is now, and the way it can be if it's looked after. All you have to do is say that you're likely to argue for a specific position and the job is completed, whalaa! There are a lot of tried and true methods you're able to engage your readers right from the beginning. It's possible to either choose to support the arguments or ideas in the movie, or concentrate on disputing them. The main purpose of the body paragraphs is to fully demonstrate the thesis statement. What you should do is to talk about the topic. Following that, you must identify the aim of the topic. Ruthless Factual Essay Samples Strategies Exploited Even if you believe that you're a master in your favorite topic, it's still highly advised that you do your research. Also, you can look for sample expository essay topics so you will understand what to research and that which you will deal with. The f undamental structure of an informative essay is extremely easy. It's possible to also do some studying to discover more about the points to discuss so as to present a logical and compelling review. Your writing has to be brief and concise. Writing a fictional essay is simpler than it looks. Reading your essay out loud can help you notice areas wherever your writing could possibly be unclear or awkwardly worded. Clearly, writing an essay on the subject of marijuana is too general. Just like there are various varieties of essay writing, there are unique types of outlines available for it too. On-line essays are costly If you are searching for good essays online, you have to be prepared to part with good money. There are several methods about how to compose an expository essay. Therefore, an analytical essay is a bit of writing that offers an informative observation about the particular topic or idea. Using Factual Essay Samples There are lots of other activities that you could have been involved in which you need to contain in your account. Well, you're not the just one. In here, you ought not introduce any new info. Once you've located your search and then the appropriate info, it is quite important to double check for accuracy. Let's take a quick glance at them. In truth, it needs to be a reference paper from which the student is going to have to draw inspiration from time to time. Although reports follow strict conventions, there's room for indi vidual style. Once you have decided the intention of the paper, it's time to recognize your audience. Think about the degree to which you should provide background info or define technical terms. Factual reports analyze and describe a circumstance and include a great amount of accurate data. On the flip side, decimal outline structure employs a succession of numbers to recognize each subsection. There's no particular style for the introduction, but background information has become the most typical procedure of approach.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Early River Civilizations free essay sample
Ancient river civilizations in the Mediterranean as well as Central and South America denote some of the world’s first civilizations. The Phoenician’s civilization was founded in what is now Lebanon, Syria, and parts of northern Africa, the Chavin society developed around modern day Peru where the Mosna and huachescsa rivers merge. The Phoenician civilization created their society around 1100 B. C. E and the Chavin civilization was established around from 900 B. C. E. The Phoenician and the Chavin showed many similarities and differences in the aspects of technological advancements, economics, and social behavior. The Chavin and the Phoenician displayed more differences than similarities because of their immensely different lands. The Phoenician and the Chavin both are famous for their innovations that left an impact on the world. However the way they impacted the world was different. The Chavin were very innovative people especially in architecture and metallurgy. They created systems to carry water great distances, and were able to use the water to irrigate their crops. We will write a custom essay sample on Early River Civilizations or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They also used their architectural abilities to avoid certain underground temples from being flooded by creating canals to act as a drainage system. The Chavin also were some of the first to melt metals for soldering and gold work. The Phoenicians on the other hand left a much different legacy for the world. As opposed to the irrigation and metallurgy the Phoenicians were the first to use letters for writing records instead of images. The Phoenician alphabet did not have any vowels but it eventually was incorporated into the Greek alphabet, and Roman alphabet which was adapted to multiple languages, such as English. Economically, the Phoenicians were in much better shape than the Chavin. The Chavin were by no means in bad shape, but the Phoenicians excelled at economics. The port city of Tyre, prospered greatly because the Phoenicians traveled by sea exporting- wood, wine, fish, and fabrics/color dyes, which led to the Phoenician society growing quite wealthy. The Chavin on the other hand, did not export goods via the sea, they instead invested in transportation, creating paths and bridges over rivers in order for them to be able to trade their main export-llama meat. The social aspects of the two river civilizations were more dissimilar than most aspects of life. The chavin people domesticated llamas and used them in as many was as they could, mostly for travel and trade. They also created many great religious centers and were very artistic, creating thorough paintings and sculptures. At Chavin, shamans were the ones who had divine connections and authority in the civilization while the Phoenicians had kings to rule them. Another major difference is that the Phoenicians, in their small region, used alliances with larger civilizations like Persia to maintain freedom while the Chavin had surrounding societies admired the Chavin and even tried to mimic their ways. The ancient river civilizations, Chavin and Phoenician display many similarties and differences in their technological advancements, economics, and social behaviors. Because the Phoenicians traveled by the seas and had port cities they excelled more financially while the Chavin were more innovative. The Phoenicians created an alphabet while the Chavin domesticated animals, created irrigation, and worked metallurgy. Phoenicians exported many goods and became rich and the Chavin traveled on manmade paths to trade llama meat. Shamans influenced the Chavin and kings ruled the Phoenicians. . Due to their greatly different locations the two ancient river civilizations exhibited more differences than similarities.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
MANAGERIAL REPORT Essays - Regression Analysis, Multicollinearity
MANAGERIAL REPORT INTRODUCTION The purpose of this analysis was to develop a regression model to predict mortality. Data was collected, by researchers at General Motors, on 60 U.S. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas (SMSA's), in a study of whether air pollution contributes to mortality. This data was obtained and randomly sorted into two even groups of 30 cities. A regression model to predict mortality was build from the first set of data and validated from the second set of data. BODY The following data was found to be the key drivers in the model: ? Mean July temperature in the city (degrees F) ? Mean relative humidity of the city ? Median education ? Percent of white collar workers ? Median income ? Suffer dioxide pollution potential The objective in this analysis was to find the line on a graph, using the variables mentioned above, for which the squared deviations between the observed and predicted values of mortality are smaller than for any other straight line model, assuming the differences between the observed and predicted values of mortality are zero. Once found, this ?Least Squared Line? can be used to estimate mortality given any value of above data or predict mortality for any value of above data. Each of the key data elements was checked for a bell shaped symmetry about the mean, the linear (straight line) nature of the data when graphed and equal squares of deviations of measurements about the mean (variance). After determining whether to exclude data points, the following model was determined to be the best model: -3276.108 + 862.9355x1 - 25.37582x2 + 0.599213x3 + 0.0239648x4 + 0.01894907x5 - 41.16529x6 + 0.3147058x7 + See list of independent variables on TAB #1. This model was validated against the second set of data where it was determined that, with 95% confidence, there is significant evidence to conclude that the model is useful for predicting mortality. Although this model, when validated, is deemed suitable for estimation and prediction, as noted by the 5% error ratio (TAB #2), there are significant concerns about the model. First, although the percent of sample variability that can be explained by the model, as noted by the R? value on TAB #3, is 53.1%, after adjusting this value for the number of parameters in the model, the percent of explained variability is reduced to 38.2% (TAB #3). The remaining variability is due to random error. Second, it appears that some of the independent variables are contributing redundant information due to the correlation with other independent variables, known as multicollinearity. Third, it was determined that an outlying observation (value lying more than three standard deviations from the mean) was influencing the estimated coefficients. In addition to the observed problems above, it is unknown how the sample data was obtained. It is assumed that the values of the independent variables were uncontrolled indicating observational data. With observational data, a statistically significant relationship between a response y and a predictor variable x does not necessarily imply a cause and effect relationship. This is why having a designed experiment would produce optimum results. By having a designed experiment, we could, for instance, control the time period that the data corresponds to. Data relating to a longer period of time would certainly improve the consistency of the data. This would nullify the effect of any extreme or unusual data for the current time period. Also, assuming that white collar workers are negatively correlated with pollution, we do not know how the cities were selected. The optimal selection of cities would include an equal number of white collar cities and non white collar cities. ! Furthermore, assuming a correlation of high temperature and mortality, an optimal selection of cities would include an equal number of northern cities and southern cities. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The model has been tested and validated on a second set of data. Although there are some limitations to the model, it appears to provide good results within 95% confidence. If time had permitted, different variations of independent variables could have been tested in order to increase the R? value and decrease the multicolliniarity (mentioned above). However, until more time can be allocated to this project, the results obtained from this model can be deemed appropriate. STATISTICAL REPORT MODEL SELECTION In order to select the best model, several
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