Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Real life research Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Genuine exploration - Coursework Example At the point when an organization conducts subjective exploration through a center gathering, the organization is endeavoring to do investigate by having the arbitrator in center gathering record everything that is the side in the center gathering. The picked types of exploration were the proper types of examination for this investigation. Today center gatherings can be directed around the Internet. On the off chance that the analysts had done a quantitative report, the scientists would have discovered how the customer’s feel about the brand picture. A quantitative exploration study will give scientists a general thought of what a client thinks about a brand, or an organization into. They can’t see the examination concentrate on what, how, where, and when. In this way, into a local exploration study the analysts could’ve discovered what the customer’s like most about the brand, where the clients shop most for the brand and when they look for it. One can gauge the achievement of the battle in the marketing projections. On the off chance that the battle got more income than before the crusade and the crusade is, at that point decided a triumph. On the off chance that the battle just brought a similar measure of income as before the crusade would not be such a large amount of a triumph. In any case, if the organization takes what was and changes the brand, and pictures the organization will without a doubt become a triumph
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Concepts Of Time And Eternity
Ideas Of Time And Eternity Before starting to take a gander at time and time everlasting it is important to pose two inquiries; what is time and what is forever? Endlessness is frequently thought of as presence for a boundless measure of time albeit many use it to mean an immortal presence out and out, a presence outside of time itself. So our idea of endlessness is from multiple points of view dependant on our idea of time. So then what is time? This has been talked about and considered by numerous scholars starting with Aristotle, who theorized that time might be movement. He did anyway include that movement could be more slow or quicker however time couldn't be, it was a consistent. Aristotle clearly didn't think about Einsteins hypothesis of relativity in which time can likewise change. Likewise when Einstein was taking a shot at his hypothesis of general relativity and proposed his then progressive thought that mass can bend space, he didn't know that the universe was growing. So our idea or meaning of ti me is as yet something which, with our further disclosures of how the Universe is built, we are as yet creating. So we will at that point take a glance at how time and time everlasting have been seen truly by logicians and how this has been created up to the current day. Let us first investigate the movement of our idea of time. In antiquated Greek way of thinking Plato talks about the Demiurge. The demiurge is a term for a craftsman like figure which is answerable for the designing and upkeep of the physical universe. The demiurge anyway isn't the maker figure in the monotheistic strict sense, both the demiurge itself and the material from which the demiurge forms the universe are considered either uncreated and endless, or the result of some other being. Plato guesses that the Demiurge makes request known to man. The Demiurge is a power that gives request and security of a sort and has a significant spot in Platos thought on schedule. In the Timaeus, a few potential contentions can be picked concerning the nature, starting or without a doubt no start of time. Aristotle rather than Plato attempts to demonstrate in his Physics, that time neither has a start nor an end. His primary contention spins around the point that time or movement consistently was. In the event that something that had the characteristics of movement of development existed, at that point it would either must have been in steady development or started to move. Along these lines, something that starts should too end. That the paradise all in all neither appeared nor concedes to pulverization, as some affirm, yet is one and endless, going on forever or start of its all out span, containing and grasping in itself the vastness of time, we may persuade ourselves by the contentions previously set out as well as by a thought of the perspectives on the individuals who vary from us in accommodating its generation. [1] For Aristotle time can have no start or end. Something which starts can't proceed forever. His idea likewise applies to thoughts, for example, the start of the world, since for the world to change, or start, God or the Creator would need to be dependent upon a divine being altering his perspective however this would be unthinkable. Just put the possibility of their being a starting to time is in opposition to Aristotles thought. On the off chance that we return to Augustine, we see the significance of Scripture in the Confessions. In this way corresponding to time, in the event that we take the accompanying entry from the Book of Genesis, at that point we will see the fundamental operations or the underlying beginning stage for Augustines hypothesis on schedule. At the outset God made the sky and the earth. Presently the earth was indistinct and void, dimness was over the outside of the profound, and the Spirit of God was drifting over the waters. What's more, God stated, Let there be light, and there was light.â [2]â Obviously to start with there more likely than not been an initial step taken for the world and without a doubt the universe to appear, and this was the desire of God. Augustine starts Book XI by asking O Lord, since forever is Yours, would you say you are oblivious of the things which I state unto You? Or on the other hand observe Thou at the opportunity that which happens in time? Why, subsequently, do I place before You such huge numbers of relations of things? [3] Augustine seems, by all accounts, to be anxious about the possibility that that God is some way or another solidified in Eternity, genuinely without change, with no task to carry out. Nonetheless, he takes comfort with the expectation that we additionally implore, but then Truth says, Your Father recognizes what things you have need of before you ask Him. (Matt 6:8) [4] So God will accommodate Augustine, or possibly he trusts and thinks having red sacred writing that God accommodates him. So too has undeniable u s the world and the universe. That he has made these things is sufficient for Augustine, as he says in Chap. 4 of book XI They [the sky and the earth] likewise announce that they made not themselves; in this way we are, on the grounds that we have been made; we were not subsequently before we were, with the goal that we could have made ourselves.â [5]â Here we see Augustine wonder about God in his production of the universe. For Augustine he is attempting to show how opportunity arrived into reality with the production of Heaven and Earth. God made this universe and everything in it and time, as we probably am aware it, started with creation, before all else. However there are a few inquiries that should be replied as St. Augustine shows us. What's more, no occasions are co-endless with You, since You stay for ever; yet should these proceed, they would not be times. For what is time? Who can without much of a stretch and quickly clarify it? Who even in thought can fathom it, even to the articulating of a word concerning it? In any case, what in talking do we allude to more naturally and purposely than time? Undoubtedly we comprehend when we talk about it; we see additionally when we hear it discussed by another. What, at that point, is time? [6] This is a generally excellent inquiry, however is there an answer? Augustine doesn't appear to have the option to discover one. When he remarks on individuals who ask what God was doing before time started he says Behold, I answer to him who asks, What was God doing before He made paradise and earth? I answer not, as someone in particular is accounted for to have done jokingly (maintaining a s trategic distance from the weight of the inquiry), He was getting ready heck, says he, for the individuals who get into secrets I intensely state, That before God made paradise and earth, He made nothing. For on the off chance that He did, what did He make except if the animal? What's more, would that I realized whatever I want to know to further my potential benefit, as I realize that no animal was made before any animal was made.â [7]â Augustine tries to clarify endlessness being a snapshot of time, But should the present be consistently present, and should it not breathe easy past, time really it couldn't be, yet eternity. [8] Time at that point, instead of forever, is continually moving and it is consistently moving, as Aristotle said. Forever, in any case, stays consistent, constant and complete. Yet at the same time we are left with that apparently basic inquiry; what is time? On the off chance that we see time as movement, continually proceeding onward, at that point we can take a gander at past time or uture time. It is hard to attempt to make any solid cases over the issue of past, present and future. For instance, in the event that we state that the previous day has been a long one, are we not discussing a day or an express that does not exist anymore? This is likewise the situation in the event that we talk about what's to come. How might we remark on the future, for example it will be a chilly week or a warm day, on the off chance that it doesn't exist. Yet, would we be able to gauge time in the present? Augustine dispatches into conversation of the here and now that demonstrates the vanity to get a handle on what time is. In any case, we measure times passing when we measure them by seeing them; however past occasions, which currently are not, or future occasions, which up 'til now are not, who can quantify them? Except if, perchance, any one will s et out to state, that that can be estimated which isn't. When, along these lines, time is passing, it tends to be seen and estimated; yet when it has passed, it can't, since it is not. [9] Augustine keeps on narrowing down the here and now into days, hours, minutes, pulses and in the long run into a solitary second, If any segment of time be considered which can't currently be separated into even the minutest particles of minutes, this just is what might be called present; which, in any case, flies so quickly from future to past, that it can't be reached out by any deferral. For on the off chance that it be broadened, it is separated into the past and future; however the present has no space. [10] We have gone to a phase whereby it is practically futile attempting to try and get time, regardless of whether past, present or future. Augustines conversation on time is great however he is confronted with that question once more, that despite everything has not been replied. What is time? It is excessively troublesome, maybe outlandish, to offer conceivable clarifications. The response to the topic of time is to be found, incomprehensibly, outside of time.. in time everlasting We exist in this transient world, yet don't see completely what time is to us. We are essentially not in a situation to completely grasp time. After much looking, discussing and talking about, Saint Augustine gradually slows down to a supplication, a petition of acknowledgment and expectation. You unchangeably unceasing, that is, the really interminable Creator of brains. As, at that point, Thou in the Beginning knew the paradise and the earth with no difference in Your insight, so in the Beginning Thou made paradise and earth with no interruption of Your activity. Let him who comprehends admit unto You; and let him who comprehends not, admit unto You. Gracious, how commended are You, but then the humble in heart are Your home; for Thou raisest up those that are bowed down, and they whose worship You are fall not.â [11]â God exists outside of Time. Time is an animal made by God. Divine beings Will isn't transient like our own. That Eternal God exists takes into consideration all that we know. All in all, we ask once more, what is time? As per Augustine, and other Christian journalists and masterminds, It is a creation, much the same as you or me. We exist in it and travel in this fleeting
Friday, August 7, 2020
Junior Year!
Junior Year! Well, Its that time again! Its the beginning of another school year and I couldnt be more excited. Every year is filled with a unique kind of excitement and anticipation that can only be caused by the start of something new. For me, this new beginning is the start of my junior year at the University of Illinois. With this new year, there are so many opportunities for becoming involved in interesting and amazing things that will make my time at Illinois even better. Even before the new school year starts, there is already one major change for my college experience. This year, I will be commuting to campus for classes from my home in Vermilion County. I will be doing this alongside my younger sister, Sarah, who will be a freshman in our shared major, advertising. Although I loved being an RA last year, I felt that my time and resources would be more adequately placed if I lived at home and finished my time at Illinois. After all, Im halfway through my undergraduate degree and the activities that I want to be involved with going forward should reflect the goals and values that my career will align with. I am super excited to be attending university with my sister this fall. I cant wait to show her the best places to eat on Green Street, work with her in RSOs on campus, and share pretty much any other awesome Illinois thing that there is to do. This part of my junior year should be very enjoyable, even if we wont always agree on what should be on the car radio on the way to campus, lol! Semester five will be filled with classes and subjects that I look forward to diving into. The exams and papers may be tougher, but the challenge will make me an even better student. It is truly incredible to think that by the end of my junior year, I could be completely finished with my core course curriculum in advertising. Most importantly, I hope that this school year I can grow with my studies and remain open-minded to new and enriching experiences that align with my life and career. My hope for everyone around me is simple: may your GPA rise and your stress lower. Thats the motto, and Ill be sticking by it all year long. Jacob Class of 2019 I’m an Advertising student within the College of Media. My hometown is a place called Fairmount, Illinois, which is about 30 minutes from campus. I began my Illinois journey in the Division of General Studies.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Commonly Confused Words Moot and Mute
The adjectives moot (rhymes with boot) and mute (rhymes with cute) are two different words that are commonly confused. Definitions As an adjective, moot refers to something that is debatable or something that is of no practical importance. As an adjective, mute means unspoken or unable to speak. Also see the usage notes below. Examples She successfully defused one argument by pointing out that a controversial proposal was moot because a date had passed.(Betsy Leondar-Wright, Missing Class. Cornell University Press, 2014) I wanted to say to them, No human being is illegal. But I stood there mute, salty tears sliding down my face.(Demetria Martinez, The Block Captains Daughter. University of Oklahoma Press, 2012) Usage Notes A moot point was classically seen as one that is arguable. A moot case was a hypothetical case proposed for discussion in a moot of law students (i.e., the word was once a noun). In U.S. law schools, students practice arguing hypothetical cases before appellate courts in moot court.From that sense of moot derived the extended sense of no practical importance; hypothetical; academic. This shift in meaning occurred about 1900 because the question has already become moot, we need not decide it. Today, in American English, that is the predominant sense of moot Theodore M. Bernstein and other writers have called this sense of the word incorrect, but it is now a fait accompli, especially in the set phrase moot point. To use moot in the sense open to argument in modern American English is to create an ambiguity and to confuse readers. In British English, the transformation in sense has been slower, and moot in its older sense retains vitality.(Bryan A. Garner, Garners Modern American Usage, Oxford University Press, 2003)Moot in British English means arguable, doubtful, or open to debate. Americans often use it to mean hypothetical or academic, i.e. of no practical significance.(The Economist Style Guide, Profile Books, 2005) Practice (a) Without a doubt, one of the epicenters of competition has to be Centre Court at Wimbledon. . . . Its terribly lonely out there. Even the players coaches are supposed to remain _____, distant, and removed. This is a temple to competitive agony and ecstasy.(Wess Stafford, Too Small to Ignore. Waterbrook, 2005)(b) Because medical bills ate up his estate, the inheritance issue became a _____ point. Answers to Practice Exercises Glossary of Usage: Index of Commonly Confused Words Answers to Practice Exercises: Moot and Mute (a) Without a doubt, one of the epicenters of competition has to be Centre Court at Wimbledon. . . . Its terribly lonely out there. Even the players coaches are supposed to remain mute, distant, and removed. This is a temple to competitive agony and ecstasy.(Wess Stafford, Too Small to Ignore. Waterbrook, 2005)(b) Because medical bills ate up his estate, the inheritance issue became a moot point.Glossary of Usage: Index of Commonly Confused Words
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
History of Accounting From Ancient Times to Today
Accounting is a system of recording and summarizing business and financial transactions. For as long as civilizations have been engaging in trade or organized systems of government, methods of record keeping, accounting, and accounting tools have been in use. Some of the earliest known writings discovered by archaeologists are accounts of ancient tax records on clay tablets from Egypt and Mesopotamia dating back as early as 3300 to 2000 BCE. Historians hypothesize that the primary reason for the development of writing systems came out of a need to record trade and business transactions. Accounting Revolution When medieval Europe moved toward a monetary economy in the 13th century, merchants depended on bookkeeping to oversee multiple simultaneous transactions financed by bank loans. In 1458 Benedetto Cotrugli invented the double-entry accounting system, which revolutionized accounting. Double-entry accounting is defined as any bookkeeping system that involves a debit and/or credit entry for transactions. Italian mathematician and Franciscan monk Luca Bartolomes Pacioli, who invented a system of record keeping that used a memorandum, journal, and ledger, wrote many books on accounting. Father of Accounting Born in 1445 in Tuscany, Pacioli is known today as the father of accounting and bookkeeping. He wrote Summa de Arithmetica, Geometria, Proportioni et Proportionalita (The Collected Knowledge of Arithmetic, Geometry, Proportion, and Proportionality) in 1494, which included a 27-page treatise on bookkeeping. His book was one of the first published using the historical Gutenberg press, and the included treatise was the first known published work on the topic of double-entry bookkeeping. One chapter of his book, Particularis de Computis et Scripturis (Details of Calculation and Recording), on the topic of record keeping and double-entry accounting, became the reference text and teaching tool on those subjects for the next several hundred years. The chapter educated readers about the use of journals and ledgers; accounting for assets, receivables, inventories, liabilities, capital, income and expenses; and keeping a balance sheet and an income statement. After Luca Pacioli wrote his book, he was invited to teach mathematics at the Court of Duke Lodovico Maria Sforza in Milan. Artist and inventor Leonardo da Vinci were one of Paciolis students. Pacioli and da Vinci became close friends. Da Vinci illustrated Paciolis manuscript De Divina Proportione (Of Divine Proportion), and Pacioli taught da Vinci the mathematics of perspective and proportionality. Chartered Accountants The first professional organizations for accountants were established in Scotland in 1854, starting with the Edinburgh Society of Accountants and the Glasgow Institute of Accountants and Actuaries. The organizations were each granted a royal charter. Members of such organizations could call themselves chartered accountants. As companies proliferated, the demand for reliable accountancy shot up, and the profession rapidly became an integral part of the business and financial system. Organizations for chartered accountants now have been formed all over the world. In the U.S., the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants was established in 1887.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and How it can Help Jane Free Essays
string(53) " in a way she could not have in the therapy session\." She is co-habiting with her fiance © of here months whom she plans to wed later In the year, although no date has yet been finalized. This client self referred to ‘Care In Crisis’ as she had heard about the organization through a friend and felt she ‘needed to talk. ‘ During the initial assessment she disclosed that her mother had passed away as a result of cancer in March of this year, hence her reason in coming for counseling is to help deal with the bereavement issues surrounding this. We will write a custom essay sample on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and How it can Help Jane or any similar topic only for you Order Now Since loosing her mother she has felt very low and misses her terribly as they were very close. Furthermore, Jane also feels that t is starting to take its toll on other relationships in her life as she finds herself snapping at people. She also stated that she has low self esteem and has barely any confidence In herself. Her goals in coming for counseling are to be able to accept her mother’s death as well as building her self esteem and confidence. Firstly I feel that some Cognitive Behavioral Therapy approaches may work well in overcoming Cane’s needs. â€Å"Psychoacoustics and normalizing Interventions are frequently used In ACT and CB. Bach Hayes (2002) I can see that they are relational interventions because they involve teaching people new relations. I believe it would be beneficial to psycho educate her on the ‘seven stages of grief. ‘ My alma In doing so would be to help Jane make sense of the emotions she is going through and to help her understand that they are perfectly normal, in other words ‘normalizing. ‘ As well as using s ome CB approaches I would choose to remain faithful to the Integrative model which at the heart lies the person centered approach. One of the key concepts within this approach is self actualization. This is the belief that as humans we will pursue what Is best for us as Introduced by Mason In 1943 and his famous hierarchy of needs. ‘ He himself refers to self actualization as; â€Å"The desire for self fulfillment, namely the tendency for him [the individual] to become actualities in what he Is potentially. This tendency might be phrased as the desire to become more and more what one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming. †Mason (1943) Research does support the notion of self actualities tendency (Sheldon Elliot 1999) and I can also recognize it in myself. In actual fact, recognition of my self actualities tendency has helped me understand some of my self destructive behaviors, which ere introduced in my younger self. I’m hoping that this will also be the case with Jane. I consider this client to be very self aware which will aid her in self actualities myself as the therapist needs to ensure that I am offering Rogers’ core conditions of; empathy, congruence and unconditional positive regard, in doing so I will be assisting her on her Journey. I will aim to be real and genuine and by doing so I hope my client will experience something of my ‘real self. Furthermore I will try my most best to see things from their frame of reference without being influenced by my own feelings and experiences. In the first counseling session I contracted with Jane and explained the limitations with confidentiality such as disclosing anything which breaks the law or child protection issues. I also stated that I was a member of the BACK. By doing the above I feel that I was demonstrating safe work and professional practice. I used active listening skills as well as non verbal communication in the form of small nods to show that I was tentatively engaging with my client’s story. The head nod is the most common gesture in listening â€Å"Small ones to show continued attention, larger and repeated ones to indicate agreement. Argyle (1992) I felt it important to show to my client that I was engaged with her telling her story as she mentioned in the initial session that she has never been able to open up to anyone before since her mum has passed. The majority of the first session was spent just staying with my client and giving her the space she needed to talk out loud about what sort of a person her mother had been and the lead up to her death. As a counselor I used skills such as active listening, restating and paraphrasing to demonstrate this, as I felt these were the appropriate skills needed in order to meet he client’s needs. It is safe to say that in this session I was safely following Cane’s lead without prescribing any particular interventions. In session two my client reported a little change since our last session saying she had felt heard’ and that it was a ‘release’ as she had been keeping everything to herself. By following my empathic hunch it opened up a lot of unfinished business regarding my client wanting to share and tell her mother things but had not had the chance to. Therefore this prompted my decision to suggest the CB approach of writing a letter to her deceased mother n her own time and if she wished she had the opportunity of sharing it in the session. This is something Jane was very keen on doing and would maybe even consider doing it that week if she got the chance. I can see that the letter writing process is therefore collaborative and would enable her to work at her own pace while also facilitating client empowerment. This would be important in helping to build her self-esteem and confidence which are areas she is lacking in. In session three my client reported that she had written the letter to her mother and was eager to read it out. In the letter my client acknowledged many of her repressed feelings and by writing the letter she was maybe able to process them in a way she could not have in the therapy session. You read "Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and How it can Help Jane" in category "Papers" Zimmerman Shepherd have stated; â€Å"We use therapeutic letters to help the patient to identify difficult feelings, processing them in another way than in a therapy session, with the chance of the patients to be finally free from these feelings. The letter writing can allow a physical way for the problem to be externalities, named and then confronted. †Zimmerman Shepherd (1993) In the letter she also touched on the feelings she was experiencing now months after ere mother’s passing. At this point I normalized them for her by telling her there is feelings we may experience after loosing a loved one. I felt it in Cane’s best interest, which is in keeping with the ethical principle of beneficence to psycho-educate her on the ‘Seven stages of grief by giving her a sheet which had been given to me by my supervisor. This would help her make sense of how she is feeling and it would also provide hope for her as one of the later stages is acceptance. In the forth session Jane talked about her goals, both short and long term. She acknowledged that whilst t was her mother at first who pushed her towards loosing weight for various health reasons, she now wanted to pursue her own goal of trying to loose some weight for her wedding day so that she could fit into her dream dress. I got a strong sense that the ‘configurations of self were being peeled back and the ‘real self was coming through, which Rogers theorized. By doing so she was closer to self actualization. In session five we explored Cane’s lack of confidence and self esteem. It was evident that she had a low self concept of her physical appearance and dress sense. Although she ad received a compliment earlier in the week from a friend about how well she looked she perceived that the comment was made merely out of sympathy. As the therapist I got my client to explore this and by doing so we were able to get to the core of this view. It turned out that as a child she overheard her aunt telling her uncle that she had only told Jane her dress was lovely out of pity. It is said that; â€Å"Experiences are accurately perceived as meeting the needs of the core self or being consistent with the self concept and reinforcing it. †Acreage (2010) It is therefore fair to say that Jane could not accept the compliment from her friend s being genuine as she was being true to her self concept. I offered the concept of looking for evidence borrowed from Cognitive theory in order to challenge her self concept. It appeared that there was no other evidence to support her views that compliments were only given to her out of pity, apart from the incident with her aunt. When we looked into this further her aunt said this around the time her parents were not getting on which prompted the possibility that her aunt may have been saying it to comfort her in a difficult time. The client came up with this conclusion resell and I remained faithful to my integrative model which at the foundation has a profound respect for the client and their ability to construct their own views. Adapted from ‘The Theory and Practice of Counseling the ability to function and process experiences can result in being either low functioning or high functioning. I considered Jane to meet the criteria for low functioning which means; â€Å"Low functioning people are out of touch with their valuing processes. In these areas their self concept is based on conditions of worth which cause them to ignore/deny or distort the experience. Nelson Jones (1992) Through challenging and looking for evidence I was aiming for Jane to become higher functioning. At the end of this session I talked to my client about the possibility of audio recording our next session if she agreed to it. I felt it was in her best interest to give some notice rather than asking her on the day of recording so that it did not come as a shock or disorientate her. Fortunately Jane agreed for our next session to be taped. It was the sixth session with this client that was recorded. I made sure to training purposes so that she did not think it was some sort of test on her. At this point I was demonstrating safe work as I wanted to provide a non threatening environment for her. At present I attend a supervisor who is based a few miles outside of the town I undertake my placement with. Firstly, her geographical location is convenient because when I am at placement I can call and see my supervisor when I am finished. This is beneficial as I find things tend to be much fresher in my mind if I see her on the day I have had clients. In additional her name was on the approved list issued by the college, this meant she was BACK approved to supervise therefore I to satisfaction from this knowing she worked ethically and had experience of supervision with students. Moreover because she was approved by the college meant she was familiar with the course requirements and as a result could effectively support my learning. Prior to choosing a supervisor I had some requirements including at least ten years experience of counseling and I wanted someone who worked from an integrative perspective, my supervisor met both of these. On first meeting my supervisor I feel that there was a connection so I instantly felt comfortable. Before commencing supervision I had the view that they would be like a joss, however now that I have been several times this view has been diminished and I consider my supervisor as someone to consult with. I get a strong sense of being facilitated and supported by my supervisor. For example while working with this client I had limited experience of working with bereavement so my supervisor gave me a book which would support my counseling, in addition I was facilitated by being given a sheet on the ‘seven stages of grief which I could give to my client. At first with Jane I was working from a person centered approach because I felt unfamiliar tit bereavement and felt this was a safe angle for me to work from. With the support and guidance I received at supervision I was able to change my approach with this client by being more integrative. I was able to bring in some Cognitive interventions which I do not feel I could have done confidentially on my own without the aid of my supervision sessions. My supervisor is quite directive in the sense that if I do something effective in the sessions she will acknowledge my style of practice and vice versa if I do something that may not have worked so well she will then encourage me to challenge this and look at alternatives. As a result of this my confidence has grown and I feel a little more competent in my role as a counselor to the point that I would trust my intuition with regards making appropriate decisions with my client work. By continuous supervision I hope to learn and grow as a counselor as well as developing new techniques and interventions and as a result improve the value I provide to my clients. Since working with Jane I feel that I have grown personally as I have increased awareness around death and bereavement. It is inevitable that I will loose a loved one at some point throughout my life. By hearing all about Cane’s grief of loosing her mother I feel I will be more prepared if I am faced with the death of someone close to me. My own mother has battled with health problems for the most part of her life and has been under close supervision of the medical profession especially in recent months. Having worked with this client has brought me in sync with reality and now I can see that there is a chance I may loose my own mother soon. My work with Jane has prepared me a little if this does happen come with it. Furthermore working with Jane has taught me to appreciate the people I m close to in my life and I have learnt to cherish every moment with them as they could very easily be taken away. As a mother myself to a three year old boy, I feel I have made more time for him knowing how precious he is to me. Professionally I have also developed at a result of working with Jane. In order to meet her needs I took part in a one day course held at my placement organization which was based on bereavement. From this I learnt the various techniques and skills required when working with this client. Not only did this course help me when working with Jane but t will also help me when counseling clients with similar situation. Also a fellow peer in my placement shared a poem about loss with me. I was very appreciative of this and felt it may be of benefit to my client as she is artistic and creative. I shared it with Jane in one of the sessions and she informed me that she got great comfort from it. The following week she told me that had put it on her fridge so that every time she opens the door she can read it. I can safely say that support from my peers has helped with my client work and as a result helped me to develop professionally. In he first counseling session with Jane we engaged in contracting. A contract can be defined as â€Å"A mutual agreement negotiated between the client and the counselor prior to commencing counseling. Provence (2008) I made sure it articulated my responsibilities towards the client and also the client’s responsibilities in the counseling relationship. I made sure to inform Jane about the strict confidentiality policy that counselors abide by and told her about the exceptions to this such as breaking child protection or the law as it would not be ethical for me to withhold this information. In addition to this if the client disclosed tha t she was of risk to herself I could not keep this to myself as this would not be in keeping with the Backs ethical principle of non-maleficent. By informing her of this I was hoping to provide a safe environment for her to share her story but at the same time letting her know the boundaries. I was also letting her know that I was obeying the ethical principle of fidelity. The importance of the contract became apparent in session four, in which my client disclosed that her mother had been one of the only women she had ever really gotten along with and that in general she did not get on tit women. This prompted my decision of using the skill of immediacy to establish what our relationship was like for the client with me being a woman. It was reassuring to learn that I was not like most other women she had encountered as I was not Judgmental or bitchy. This proved to me that I was working in an ethical manner and respecting my client’s autonomy. When I first began keeping notes they were rather long and detailed, however now I have learnt to keep concise and factual notes. I recognize the importance of not noting opinions or Judgments in the notes n the off chance they may be called for in a court hearing. Each client’s notes are kept in their own personal folder which is kept in a locked filing cabinet in a locked room and each client is identified with a seven digit code. This ensures maximum confidentiality which is in keeping with the ethical framework principle of fidelity. In an emergency for example if I died and client’s notes needed to be accessed the receptionist could identify the client by searching the code on the computer system. Respect that the client has the right to be self governing which is in keeping with the ethical principle of autonomy. How to cite Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and How it can Help Jane, Papers
Friday, May 1, 2020
My Sources of Inspiration free essay sample
Eventually everyone starts a collection of something, whether it is sea shells or movie tickets. I never collected anything until I started high school. I unintentionally began to collect bracelets, each representing something significant in my life that I have learned and discovered. I now wear these four bracelets as a reminder to myself of what I have been taught. I received the first bracelet during the summer following graduation. My friend purchased the bracelet during her vacation in the Philippines. She gave one bracelet to each of the 11 of us in our group of friends. Most of us had been together since 2nd grade, but some of us, including myself, have been friends since pre-school, so going off to high school without them would be a big change. These bracelets remind us that even though the 11 of us would not be together we would still be friends. Most of these friendships have continued throughout high school, and I wear this bracelet to recall that I always have friends w ho support me even if they do not go to my school. We will write a custom essay sample on My Sources of Inspiration or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I was given my next bracelet the summer that I entered 10th grade, while I was in South Africa. At the time it was just a souvenir, yet it remains an important memento to me. While in South Africa I saw shanty towns and other areas in great poverty that I never expected to see in real life. This trip sparked the realization that not everyone lives in a nice neighborhood in the United States. While I may complain that my room is too small, the people living in shanty houses only have one room that everyone shares. This bracelet reminds me to be knowledgeable of other people and places in this world and to emphasize with those people. Inevitably my bracelet collection continued to grow as I purchased the next one myself the summer I went into 11th grade. At a summer camp in British Columbia, Canada, where I flew a plane by myself. I had never been on a plane by myself, nor been so far away from home alone prior to this. This was a new experience and my bracelet reminds me of my inde pendence and gives me the assurance that I can do things alone. The annual lessons I learned unintentionally continued throughout my junior year of high school as I received my fourth bracelet. My dad brought it back from Spain for me as a souvenir. I wear it to remind me of the importance of family. My family is always there to laugh and celebrate the holidays together. The fact that we are not always together makes celebrating the holidays even more important. Inadvertently, each bracelet I received taught me a new lesson. Whenever doing something out of the ordinary, I will wear these four bracelets to remind me of the friendships, knowledge, independence, and family that I have. Essentially, these are my building blocks to a great life. Focus on these four building blocks: friendship, knowledge, independence, and family, and success will surely follow.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
The World Still Needs An Analysis Essay Sample free essay sample
Every verse form contains concealed significance. The writer feeds its readers the symbols and metaphors to specify the intent of the verse form – it will be the readers’ imaginativeness to comprehend the truth behind the bodying elements of the poetry. Poets have different ways to assail in their poesy. They can show their feelings towards other people and the society through their verse forms. Once they unleash their angst. the determination will be on the readers’ political orientation – whether to accept the verse form as a fiction or verse form as an eye-opener to the universe. By reading the verse form entitled â€Å"The World Still Needs. †readers will make their impression of societal alteration through political position and declaration. â€Å"The World Still needs. †is a verse form of enlightenment – a manner to run into the truth behind the prevarications and unfair. The writer used different signifiers of symbolic elements to conceal the true kernel of the verse form but one time the readers tried to read each line and stanza carefully. We will write a custom essay sample on The World Still Needs: An Analysis Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page they will obtain the poem’s end and thought. The universe needs piano-tuners ( 3 ) . This line shows the constitution of the verse form as it embodies the current state of affairs of the universe. The footings â€Å"piano-tuners†signify alteration that needs to happen. â€Å"Gray fellows†on the other manus signifies white people as the dominant or powerful n the society. The â€Å"deserted boathouse†symbolizes thirst and poorness. The character depicts the verse form with harmoniousness and strategic onslaught. This storyteller easy discussed the battle from the get downing up to the terminal. Because the verse form is a free-verse. the writer can easy depict the intent and kernel of the verse form in a originative mode. However. even if it is a free-verse. the writer used formal words to warrant the ideas and statements – when the piano in the concert-hall / finds texture absolute. a individual solitude†¦ ( 18-19 ) . In footings of the images. the writer developed the emotional attractive force of a adult male and a adult female because from their loneliness. they started to interact with the other and become communal. Even if the verse form has no riming building. it depicts world from simple words and images that the writer used and perceives. Plants Cited Avison. Margaret.The World Still Needs. p. 201.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Free Essays on Everyday Stalinism
Book Critique on Everyday Stalinism In Shelia Fitzpatrick’s Everyday Stalinism, life in Soviet Russia during the 1930s is described in a variety of ways. After the revolution of 1917 and the change in the regime, life for ordinary Russians took a very different course. Agriculture was no longer a private entity, but a state-ran operation. Industrialization was given top priority, and even as people were starving and suffering sever economic hardships, the state continued to build railways and new factories in its hopes to make Russia completely self-sufficient. More than anything else, â€Å"normal†everyday life had been dramatically altered. Citizens now worked for the state, laws and legal procedures were held in low regard; food, clothing, shelter and other basic human needs were scarce. The state ruled by terror, arresting people on suspicion of not conforming to the states belief system. Citizens were watched, spied on and were basically at the mercy of the high-ranking communist officials. The 1930s were truly a time of hardship and terror for many living in Soviet Russia. This book critique will seek to give a brief synopsis of Everyday Stalinism, how reading this book enhanced my own personal understanding of Soviet history, and I will comment how the author presented her arguments. In Everyday Stalinism, Fitzpatrick seeks to paint a vivid picture of everyday life under Stalin’s reign. First, Stalinism can be defined as â€Å"Communist Party rule, Marxist- Taylor 2 Leninist ideology, rampant bureaucracy, leader cults, state control over production and distribution†¦police surveillance, terror†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Fitzpatrick, 1999, 3). Lenin had understood that pure communism was only hurting Russia, not making it the promise-land that everyone had originally anticipated. He passed the New Economic Policy, which allowed for the reversion back to some private enterprises. When Stalin took power several years ... Free Essays on Everyday Stalinism Free Essays on Everyday Stalinism Book Critique on Everyday Stalinism In Shelia Fitzpatrick’s Everyday Stalinism, life in Soviet Russia during the 1930s is described in a variety of ways. After the revolution of 1917 and the change in the regime, life for ordinary Russians took a very different course. Agriculture was no longer a private entity, but a state-ran operation. Industrialization was given top priority, and even as people were starving and suffering sever economic hardships, the state continued to build railways and new factories in its hopes to make Russia completely self-sufficient. More than anything else, â€Å"normal†everyday life had been dramatically altered. Citizens now worked for the state, laws and legal procedures were held in low regard; food, clothing, shelter and other basic human needs were scarce. The state ruled by terror, arresting people on suspicion of not conforming to the states belief system. Citizens were watched, spied on and were basically at the mercy of the high-ranking communist officials. The 1930s were truly a time of hardship and terror for many living in Soviet Russia. This book critique will seek to give a brief synopsis of Everyday Stalinism, how reading this book enhanced my own personal understanding of Soviet history, and I will comment how the author presented her arguments. In Everyday Stalinism, Fitzpatrick seeks to paint a vivid picture of everyday life under Stalin’s reign. First, Stalinism can be defined as â€Å"Communist Party rule, Marxist- Taylor 2 Leninist ideology, rampant bureaucracy, leader cults, state control over production and distribution†¦police surveillance, terror†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Fitzpatrick, 1999, 3). Lenin had understood that pure communism was only hurting Russia, not making it the promise-land that everyone had originally anticipated. He passed the New Economic Policy, which allowed for the reversion back to some private enterprises. When Stalin took power several years ...
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Economic Analysis of China Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Economic Analysis of China - Research Paper Example The economy of the country has become one of the engines for growth since the country got enlisted in the World Trade Organization (WTO). The country emerged as the second largest economy at exchange rate of the market and the share in the output worldwide soared. The sudden emergence of the country has benefitted the globe but the other countries had to involve themselves in some adjustment processes to deal with the increase in the low skilled labor. The current account surplus for the country took the steep step with integration of the country into the global economy. The contribution of the country in global growth is increasing exponentially. The economic cycle of China has the potential to influence the rest of the World, with major influences on the OECD countries. The share of the imports of the country is increasing in the exports of the rest of the economies. The growth performance can be partly explained by the rapid expansion in the stock of capital as well as solid suffi ciency gains. The approach towards deficit as well as debts acted as the constraint for the recognition of the fiscal policy for a long time. Government deficits were absent in the period of 1958 to 1978. In the period of 1979 to 1993, foreign as well as domestic borrowing took place but mostly limited. The borrowing of the government became significant after the year 1993 and government debt took the rising curve which reached to 22% of GDP in the year 2007. In fact the country adopted the fiscal policy of expansionary type after the financial crisis in Asia. As a result there were considerable fiscal deficits. The deficit in the budget witnessed an increase from 0.7% of Gross domestic product in the year 1998 to 2.6% of GDP in 2000. The economy experienced a contraction in deficit which includes the extra budgetary funds as well as the funds for social security. There were positive
Monday, February 3, 2020
Council Reforms on Basement Apartments Assignment
Council Reforms on Basement Apartments - Assignment Example The fiscal crisis had hit the city forcing the government to forge creative ways to house its people. In the 1980 and 1990s, the city’s housing expenditures amounted to more than three times the housing expenditures for the next 32 years (Tauranac, 1979). This was facilitated by former Mayor Ed Koch’s ten-year plan on housing. Initially, Koch intended the plan to be actualized in five years. However, due to the increase in illegal housing units, and the inability of the state to provide housing the plan was stretched (Navarro, 2013). The graph below shows the increase in illegal apartments in New York between 1983 and 2013.  Challenges, however, have rocked the housing sector forcing people to take up alternative housing for example cellars and basement apartments. The government, however, does not support this action, as these housing units are not fit for human occupancy due to health and safety risks as specified by The New York City Building or Housing Maintenance code, Article 5- Occupancy of cellars and basements.  The policy targeted for reforms is the Housing Maintenance Code, (ARTICLE 5- Occupancy of Cellars and Basements). It states that basements, cellars, and â€Å"granny flats,†should not be rented or occupied due to health and safety measures. This policy can be found on the website.  As you are aware, Statistics from The housing experts estimate that there are 100,000 illegal apartments in New York City. Last year, Buildings Department officials acknowledged 18,126 complaints concerning illegal units (Belsha, n.d.). The City’s Department of Buildings’- DOB issues annually more than 4,440 violations for illegal conversion of basements, cellars, and attics: - which are not fit for human occupancy due to health and safety risks.
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Real Estate Business Plan
Real Estate Business Plan Business idea- Real Estate (Apartment House Finder Business) Executive Summary Finding a new home or apartment to rent can be a very time-consuming and daunting task. Thats why many people needing to rent a home enlist the services of a professional apartment and house-finder service. The service can be operated from home and on the web but I will start company by taking a rental office location for client visits, as well as build a website to feature available properties for rent. This business is competitive. Company want to consider specializing in one or more of the following types of rentals: room mate listings, short-term furnished and unfurnished accommodations, long-term furnished and unfurnished accommodations, executive accommodations, rentals that allow pets, student housing, vacation properties, or niche properties such as penthouses only, parking stalls, floating accommodations, or artist lofts and commercial properties. There can also have a couple of options in terms of fees. Company can charge renters a fee to find the right place to suit their needs. Or can charge the landlord or building owner a fee to list his or her properties with your service. The key costs related to start-up will be in the region of  £2,000  £10,000 depending upon the shop location. What I Need to Start my business: Step 1: Identify the need for an apartment locator service in my local area. Make phone calls, followed by in-person visits to local apartment complexes announcing the benefits of the services Our company will provide. Start by locating properties for family and friends, and use their successes as testimonials to the efficiency of your service. Step 2 company will License new apartment locator business with the state. Obtain a unified business license to operate within the state where our company will conduct business. Determine a structure for our business, such as a corporation, limited liability company or sole proprietor. Contact city licensing agency to determine if additional permits and licenses are required for our business type. Step 3 Rent, lease or convert a home office space. If our company will meet with applicants and apartment representatives in office, leasing an affordable commercial space will provide a more professional environment. Or we can Convert a room in home to operate your new apartment locator business if we plan to conduct business through Internet. Step 4 we will Create a strategic operational and marketing plan will Follow that plan to measure successes, growth of business and build a data base of clients and applicants. we will Promote our apartment locator business with fliers, business cards, refrigerator magnets, mass mailings, advertisements in local community papers and temporary specials, such as fee free for 30 days. Step 5 company will Collect apartment finder guides for our area will Use apartment guides to compile a working database of complexes and online resident feedback. Categorize by name, location, price and number of bedrooms. Take special care to accurately match with apartment seekers. Check online for apartment features and amenities before referring. Check areas and note added features, such as easy access to bus lines, shopping and schools. Step 6 Purchase office equipment, furniture and supplies. We will Stock office with supplies and furniture, such as pre-screening applications, staples, copy paper, file folders and cabinets. Purchase database and word processing software to electronically maintain applicant and client information. Step 7 company will Pre-qualify applicants before referring. Ensure applicants meet the income, rental history and criminal background requirements before making referrals. Obtain a release from applicants to conduct preliminary background checks. Employ the services of a background investigation service to collect additional information, such as credit reports. Objectives: it’s time to lay down how I am going to execute and bring mission to reality? That’s where setting goals or objectives come into play. S SPECIFIC M MEASURABLE A ACTIONABLE R REALISTIC T TIME-FRAME To provide the best accommodation available to the local community at a convenient time frame and at affordable price. To generate market share to make â€Å"Home Finder†a common name. To be a local home finder of choice based on customer satisfaction. Gross margin moderate and improving over the span of the plan. Safe, quality housing that provides state-of-the-art amenities at competitive prices. Maintaining open communication between Company and its customers in order to ensure the highest level of customer satisfaction and long lasting reputation within the community. Mission: â€Å"HOME FINDER†provides high-quality, comfortable rental units in derby. Our company offer state-of-the-art living conditions reflective of the rapid advancements in technology and a growing need for quality housing. Our company is dedicated to a hassle free living environment in which our tenants can enjoy all of the benefits of safe, attractive, and inviting units. Unlike many other companies that are solely concerned with turning profits, our primary objective is to maintain the highest level of customer satisfaction . Tenant safety, happiness, and comfort are our main goals. â€Å"HOME FINDER†maintains competitive market prices, while working toward expanding the number of units owned, and increasing total profits earned. Within the company we will strive to work as a cohesive, harmonious unit focused on exemplifying our mission. Just as customer satisfaction is an intricate part of company success, so is employee satisfaction. That is why the founders of †Å"HOME FINDER†Real Estate believe that employee satisfaction will make the company a success and will be the key to their longevity. Housing units will predominantly be located in the University neighbourhood targeting both students and professionals. Vision: Company vision is to start a business from home online with one person(sole proprietorship) and in few years reach to every person who needs services regarding property. To continue to expand and maintained the business while also increasing the level of profits . Company summary: Home Gadget Repair is to be set up as sole proprietorship owned by Gurjot kaur With a small loan from Government schemes and Get a bank loan . I will choose option to take loan for business from government schemes there are total 629 schemes available under â€Å"finance and support centre†and I can take loan under â€Å"New Enterprise Allowance. It will grow in one year from a one man business to four person business. Company will build the necessary infrastructure to quickly and efficiently respond to customers. To start a business I can go to National Enterprise Network it is a unique membership body representing the enterprise support sector across England. where I can get advice regarding my business and can convert my ideas into reality .i will get register my intellectual property there to make sure nobody can copy my business without my permission. Initially the business is to be set up as a Sole proprietorship, owned and operated for profit But after few years when company will be able to invest for business extension we will lease a space for the offices and purchase more company vehicles. Services: â€Å"HOME FINDER †company will provide different services like to find out rental house , flats and commercial properties according to user requirements. Moreover we will provide services to customers within 24 hours . From the day one we decide to give fast services to our clients. Market analysis summary : The key part of any business is market analysis .A market analysis is a quantitative and qualitative assessment of a market. It looks into the size of the market both in volume and in value .There are two factors you need to look at when assessing the size of a market: the number of potential customers means quantitative market research and the value of the market, feedback , thoughts and feelings of customers are related to qualitative market research. Market and customer segmentation: In target market there are two types of customers one is those who are looking for commercial property and other one those who are looking for homes and apartments. Customers those who are looking for houses and apartments for rent according to my market research they will be between 18-34 age and most of them will be immigrants like students, professionals , singles and couples. According to prototype testing they are not willing to spend too much money on rent . Second group of customers are those who are looking for commercial properties they can be a sole proprietor , can be a business partners and can be a big corporation. Their demands for rental property will be different and amount of rent willing to spend will be different . All these things can be sure by survey on a certain group of people and it can help me to improve my business plan . Customer relationship management (CRM): customer relationship management is a strategy for managing all company relationship and interactions with customers. Company will focus on every individual customer whether he is new customer or current customer. It will help our company profitability. In CRS our company will use centralised data base system where all contacts will be stored who ever will be related to our company . In this way we can enable inquire data in back office as well in front office. Why CRM in real estate ? Tenant relationship information is managed in multiple or isolated databases that can create duplicative information and to understand and share that data will become difficult. When every lease or transaction will be different and the associated process to execute that is unique and manual, undue administrative effort and errors will be occur. Marketing: In businesses marketing is everything . Marketing strategy create a meaningful interaction between two parties. There are many ways through which we can reach to customers. USP (Unique selling point): To attract customers and make profit company must have a unique selling point it will be a strong way to compete with competitors in market and will be a key point to stay in market for long period . As compare to companys other competitors our company will charge less . the other one unique point is our company will not take any commission from rent we will just charge customer our fee . Customer can also give rent in instalments to landlord if he cant afford. We will Learn our competitors’ strengths and weaknesses – imitate their strengths, and use their weaknesses to our advantage. Revenue streams: company source of revenue will be the services that company will offer . Tenant will get a property on rent according to their requirements and they will pay accordingly. company will charge a consultation fee for service and will also take commission from the monthly rent . From the landlord company can charge if he is using our website to advertise his property . Value proposition: Values we deliver to the customer: Convenience is the foremost thing that we will give to customer. To satisfy customer with our services is our first duty. Company will not charge any fee if tenant is not satisfied with service and want to change the property. We will provide service to customer as soon as possible because we know how important the customer time is, will charge less as compare to other market competitors. Risk analysis: Specific risk and their solutions: If a customer wants to break a contract before the completion of agreement then there is a solution for this problem before making a contract company will make a lease documents in a proper legal way with the agreement of both parties . This agreement can be a written and oral(recorded). Break clause: Agreed by the landlord and tenant, where the lease can be ‘broken’ without anyone facing a penalty. Tenant need to give landlord 2 months notice that he/she is using the break clause. Fixed-term tenancy: A fixed-term tenancy means the lease automatically comes to an end when the term is up. If a tenant want to stay on after this term, tenant can do so if your landlord agrees. However, staying on past a fixed term marks a ‘continuing obligation’ to pay rent. You’ll then need to give 3 months notice when you want to leave. Landlords and ending a lease: Landlord can only end a lease when the tenant fails to pay rent or meet other lease obligations. If landlord have included a ‘forfeiture clause’ in the lease, landlord can use it in these situations to end the lease. However, if the tenant can challenge this in court they may be allowed to stay in the property. There is a one more solution that can stop the occurrence of these types of problems like before agreement our company will do inquiry at a tenant side. company will check the financial status of party , past records. Our company will be update itself from time to time of new laws of leasing a property. SWOT Analysis: Strengths : Our company will charge less fee and less commission from customer and will take commission †¦% only if customer is giving rent more than 500 . so this is a one positive point of our company to attract customers. We will serve customer and will fulfil customer requirements in better way. We are able to respond very quickly as we have no red tape, and no need for higher management approval. We can change direction quickly if we find that our marketing is not working. We have low overheads, so we can offer good value to customers We are able to give really good customer care, as the current small amount of work means we have plenty of time to devote to customers Weaknesses: Initially the only person who will handle whole business will be I . so no manpower can be a negative point for me Company will have a small staff, with a shallow skills base in many areas . Our company is new it will be a challenge for me to make image in market. Our cash flow will be unreliable in the early stages Opportunities : Changes in technology and markets on both a broad and narrow scale. Changes in government policy related to my field and I am well aware of all laws of government related to my business. Changes in social patterns, population profiles, lifestyle changes, and so on. Local events can give me opportunities . Our business sector is expanding, with many future opportunities for success. Local government wants to encourage local businesses. Our competitors may be slow to adopt new technologies Threats: Budget can be a massive threat for our company because initially whether I get profit or loss I have to invest money and have to be patient to get profit. I have to compete with those companies who are well established in market and have good image. To run a business smoothly it can be a threat for me. A small change in the focus of a large competitor might wipe out any market position we achieve
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Counseling Session Essay
A good greeting with client is very important. In my point of view for having a good greeting at the first meeting the nonverbal actions are important equal as words which counselor says. Having a nice smile, showing the attention for entrance of client, the distances between the client and counselor’s chairs, counseling room atmosphere and etc can help the both client and counselor for making a good relationship. As you can see after I talked about our time, I move a little to showing Keat that I was with her. In our counseling session we should be aware of don’t using â€Å"problem†. As an example I use â€Å"How may I help you?†except â€Å"What’s your problem?†Client: I just came from the exam center, and I’m concern, WHY my name is not register? Counselor: Oh,†¦. Non verbal reflection for showing Keat that I mention to her completely. Client: I will have come up again on Monday. Waste a lot my time. Time is always a problem. I’m doing too many things.aaa †¦ This is not a problem. What is my main problem? Counselor: You didn’t get your exam card.yeah? Keat was thinking and it was better for me to be silent. I shouldn’t interrupt into her thinking. Client: How did it happen, because I paid online†¦. I’m to trying to figure out where is my will. Counselor: What’s will? I didn’t know the meaning of the â€Å"will†. And I know as a counselor I must to speak English as a native person. (I try my best to improve my language skills) Client: You don’t know the will. Will is †¦ Counselor: Aha†¦ aha†¦ You want to rewrite your will for yourself or for your children? Client: †¦ That is my concern. Time is always a problem. I always work for myself†¦ Counselor: You always work for yourself. I also used non-verbal encouragement skills such as: Nodding, eye contact, body movement. Client: aha. I try to organize my time in my free time. So my mind is always thinking. I think I should sit down and organize the will. Angelinas’ Death shocked me. It can happen to anybody at anytime. Counselor: You are concern. Aha †¦ I tried to respond with empathy, try to understand her feelings, emotions when she talked about Angelina’s death. Client: I think I should lots of work to do †¦ I’m working. †¦ I’m working very impact. Counselor: You are concerning about the time, organizing your works. (It continued for 30 minutes but I stop to transcript the session for analyze myself as a counselor.) For explain myself as a counselor during the sessions It’s necessary to say that my own structure is not only using one theory. I try to find a good mixture depends on my client personality and his/her problems. Generally I have been used all my sessions on the base of Rogers’s theory. He has consistently maintained that there are three conditions for realizing a growth- promoting climate in which individuals can move toward and become what they are capable of becoming. These conditions are: 1) genuineness; 2) acceptance; 3) deep understanding. Therapy is rooted in the client’s capacity for awareness and the ability to make decisions. With the help of his theory I focus on the client’s responsibility and capacity to discover ways to more fully encounter reality. I try to help my clients t o match their behavior and expression with their internal feelings and thoughts. I focus on the person not on the persons presenting problem, because it is very important for me to assist my clients in their growth process. I really believe that empowering the clients has better influence in their whole life and they can better cope with problems they are now facing, and with their future problem. In my structure it is very significant to provide a safety climate and sometimes on the base of person- centered therapy I use myself as an instrument of change. Foremost I must be willing to be real in the relationship with a client. Instead of perceiving clients in preconceived diagnostic categories, I meet them on moment-to-moment experiential basis and help them by entering their world. Through my attitudes of genuine, respect, acceptance, and understanding, they loosen their defenses and rigid perceptions and move to a higher level of personal functioning. With the case of Keat I used Rogers’s theory and I do not have a certain idea for other theories. For me it need a little more time to know my client and her issues to select another theory. Maybe if our sessions had been continued I would have used Ellis’s Rational-emotive therapy. And with the case of Roslan if our sessions had be continued I would have used the Eric Berne theory. As a counselor I have to use techniques too. With the base of Rogers I try to accept Keat and be respectful with her. I used different kinds of attending and listening skills, Nov- verbal skills to show my client that I understood her feelings, emotions, stories, and plans. I think I still need to work on myself and methods for being a good counselor. To reach this goal I should developed my Questions which I think they are so common some times, although it related to speaking in English. I have to be a good English speaker.
Friday, January 10, 2020
What You Need to Do About 5th Grade Persuasive Essay Topics Before You Miss Your Chance
What You Need to Do About 5th Grade Persuasive Essay Topics Before You Miss Your Chance Life, Death, and 5th Grade Persuasive Essay Topics Always bear in mind a great persuasive essay ought to be persuasive. Any change is able to make your essay better. Doing this, you'll certainly find your ideal essay title easily and faster. PaperCoach will be able to help you with all your papers, so take a look at this time! A fact family consists of 3 numbers. Your work is to choose whether or not there ought to be a particular age when kids are given access to a smartphone. Ws somewhere to visit descriptive think of an enjoyable place you've enjoyed visiting. Snow days are excellent for family quality time. Your essay might incorporate the factors for teen pregnancy and talk about the present rates of teen pregnancy and potential solutions. Aside from boosting your writing skills, it will make a solid foundation for learning different forms of paragraphs. Do a little research about your topics and discover out which one inspires you the most. Take notes concerning all possible topics you're able to consider. Writing quality essays is the principal role of our services. There are several stylistic devices used to produce the writing more convincing. Evidence in writing works exactly the same way. A broad subject always seems simpler to write about as you are able to locate a lot of materials about it. Getting the Best 5th Grade Persuasive Essay Topics The school day needs to be shorter. School should occur in the evenings. Your school is tossing around the notion of uniforms for the whole student body. Year round school isn't a good idea. Ok, I Think I Understand 5th Grade Persuasive Essay Topics, Now Tell Me About 5th Grade Persuasive Essay Topics! You've got a favourite book, but your library doesn't have any copies of it. Imagine you had the ideal room to do your homework. Students want to understand how to compose persuasive essaysthis skil l is critical since it is often tested. Start researching, and begin writing! The Chronicles of 5th Grade Persuasive Essay Topics Don't make a huge word count simply to have it. You should have fun with the arguments to produce the readers agree with you. Keep telling what you would like to tell, over and over. Make certain you are really interested in the matter, because otherwise you will have no confidence, which is a significant aspect when convincing somebody. Kissing in public needs to be banned Men needs to be sent to some other planet. Life is far better than it was 50 decades ago. Freedom of choice is excellent. Why Almost Everything You've Learned About 5th Grade Persuasive Essay Topics Is Wrong Therefore, you can take an effortless topic and surprise everyone with your wide method of thinking and your individual values. Remember, it has to be logical. You might produce some rather interesting ideas. Write down your ideas and ideas. Interacting with the youngster's friends Interacting and observing your kid's peer group might be quite rewarding. Every family needs to have a all-natural disaster survival program. Write a story about something fun which you did with friends and family during the summertime. It's really simple to use along with self explanatory. Dogs are also a superb supply of protection. Dogs and cats can bring a great deal of happy times to a family, and they are sometimes excellent companions for somebody who lives alone or somebody who has lost a loved one. Animals shouldn't be kept in cages. Besides, in the event the animals from the pound aren't adopted immediately, they could be put to sleep. Ok, I Think I Understand 5th Grade Persuasive Essay Topics, Now Tell Me About 5th Grade Persuasive Essay Topics! You need to provide your readers enough information so that they fully see what you're writing about. Below, you will discover a list of the greatest 5th grade debate topics to sta y in mind. It's important to understand that essay topics are just basic ideas that leave you pondering an idea that might be a huge deal to another person. Before students begin to write, it is a very good idea for them to earn a list of the points they wish to make to their readers. Examining each side of the issue can aid your readers form their own opinions. When you're permitted to write about whatever you want, never rely on somebody's thoughts about this issue you like as a pivotal criterion for your choice. The very first thing you must realize searching for an ideal topic is that your opinion is the thing that matters the most. Okay, now you have the fundamentals about how to opt for an informative essay topic, let's dig into some terrific ideas!
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Age Of Enlightenment That The Universe - 1309 Words
Opposing the core idea of the Age of Enlightenment that the universe is a mechanism in which man is just its cog, Romanticism envisioned humans as part of divine creation. German philosophers and writers such as Goethe and Schiller, and other members of the German literary movement of the 18th century, Sturm und Drang (Storm and Stress), focused on human emotions, senses, and intuition in their poetry and prose, thus forming the foundation of a new aesthetic and philosophic movement. As a continuation of this new approach to the world, Romanticism developed a theme of the sublime – a complex idea that envisages God and nature as equal facets of creation. Although its manifestation is inconceivable for a mind, its grandeur and power affects soul with awe and terror. Edmund Burke (1729–1797) pioneered the development of the sublime as a concept in his â€Å"A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful (1756).†Burke identified the effects of beauty as an aesthetic pleasure. Sublime is different from beauty, he argued, because it provokes passion, fear, power, obscurity, pain, suddenness, and danger as effects. Burke pointed to specific components of the sublime such as vastness, infinity, and the magnitude of buildings. Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), in analyzing Burke’s concept, argued that an object or phenomenon cannot be sublime. â€Å"The wide ocean disturbed by the storm cannot be sublime. Its aspect is horrible.†According to Kant,Show MoreRelatedThe Age of Enlightenment and Rebellion against Authority Essay1023 Words  | 5 PagesThe Age of Enlightenment saw many great changes in Western Europe. It was an age of reason and philosophes. 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Essay868 Words  | 4 PagesIs Franklin a Puritan or Enlightenment Thinker About Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin came from a very simple Calvinist background. Ha dad little formal education, but he made it through his own efforts and became a rare genius in human history. Everything seems to meet in this one man, mind and will, talent and art, strength and ease, wit and grace and he became almost everything: a printer, essayist, scientist, statesman, philosopher, political economist, ambassador, etc.-#161;#176;Jack
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