Friday, August 7, 2020

Junior Year!

Junior Year! Well, Its that time again! Its the beginning of another school year and I couldnt be more excited. Every year is filled with a unique kind of excitement and anticipation that can only be caused by the start of something new. For me, this new beginning is the start of my junior year at the University of Illinois. With this new year, there are so many opportunities for becoming involved in interesting and amazing things that will make my time at Illinois even better. Even before the new school year starts, there is already one major change for my college experience. This year, I will be commuting to campus for classes from my home in Vermilion County. I will be doing this alongside my younger sister, Sarah, who will be a freshman in our shared major, advertising. Although I loved being an RA last year, I felt that my time and resources would be more adequately placed if I lived at home and finished my time at Illinois. After all, Im halfway through my undergraduate degree and the activities that I want to be involved with going forward should reflect the goals and values  that my career will align with. I am super excited to be attending university with my sister this fall. I cant wait to show her the best places to eat on Green Street, work with her in RSOs on campus, and share pretty much any other awesome Illinois thing that there is to do. This part of my junior year should be very enjoyable, even if we wont always agree on what should be on the car radio on the way to campus, lol! Semester five will be filled with  classes and subjects that I look forward to diving into. The exams and papers may be tougher, but the challenge will make me an even better student. It is truly incredible to think that by the end of my junior year, I could be completely finished with my core course curriculum in advertising. Most importantly, I hope that this school year I can grow with my studies and remain open-minded to new and enriching experiences that align with my life and career. My hope for everyone around me is simple: may your GPA rise and your stress lower. Thats the motto, and Ill be sticking by it all year long. Jacob Class of 2019 I’m an Advertising student within the College of Media. My hometown is a place called Fairmount, Illinois, which is about 30 minutes from campus. I began my Illinois journey in the Division of General Studies.

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